Leadership Advice
Pete shares his perspective on leadership and organizational development topics.

How can a company ensure that its top executives continue to thrive?
Effective leaders never stop learning and growing — especially considering the fast-changing business landscape, write three experts.

Time is Your Most Valuable Currency
As a leader, there’s one resource that’s more valuable than the rest. It’s also non-renewable: time.

4 Ways to Build Team Identity to Unlock High Performance
A clear team identity is the glue that holds a team together. It creates a sense of unity, belonging, purpose, and pride that enables team members to push beyond individual goals and to prioritize collective success.

Why a “Functional” Team Doesn’t Equal a High-Performing Team
In the realm of executive leadership, there’s a common misconception. A team that functions smoothly is often mistaken for a high-performing one. So, what’s the difference?

4 Steps to Transition Successfully Into Your First Big Role
While stepping into a bigger leadership role for the first time can be thrilling and transformative, it can also be challenging. Here are four essential steps to make your transition a success.

How AI Can Democratize Executive Coaching
In the executive coaching field, AI is poised to revolutionize the game. Can you guess how? It’s making personalized leadership development accessible to a much broader range of managers and executives.

Coaching Lessons from the 2024 Olympics
As I watched the best athletes in the world cross the finish line, score the game-winning try with no time left (Go, USA Women!), or nail the landing, I couldn't help but think about their journeys.

The Hidden Cause of Ineffective Teams
Recently, I’ve been working with the head of a large business unit of a client. As is often the case, I was called in to assist because “the team is not functioning.” Immediately, my attention was captured. I sensed a red flag. A low-performing team is a common symptom of the problem I call “leadership shock.”

6 Leadership Lessons Business Executives Can Learn from Elite Athletes
I spent 22 years coaching elite women’s rugby while at the same time building my consulting and executive coaching careers. Keep reading for six lessons you can learn from elite rugby players that will help your own career.

Metacognition: Why You Think the Way You Do
My job is to help that leader look at their approach from a birds-eye view and figure out what needs to change. Metacognition is part of that view.

The 7 Elements of Authentic Leadership
Let me introduce you to the Authentic Leadership Model, a holistic approach for leaders to understand what about their leadership is no longer working in their new role.
It’s authentic because it’s grounded in the leader’s core purpose—the thing that makes them get out of bed in the morning. This model is the antidote to leadership shock and provides the clarity needed to excel in a new role.

I Never Finish Reading Business Books. Here’s Why I Wrote One.
When I started writing, I thought long and hard about the fact that I never finish reading business books. The reality is that about a third of the way through these books, I feel like I’ve learned what I need to know about the framework presented. I didn’t want that to be the case for Leadership Shock. I wanted to write something that you would be compelled to read all the way through.

The 4 Pillars of High-Performing Executive Teams
Learn what four elements set high-performing teams apart. Find out if they are present on your own team (and if not, how you can make slight adjustments).

5 Leadership Lessons the Modern CEO Can Learn from Taylor Swift
Whether it is with employees or customers, trying to build a meaningful connection with so many is a significant leadership challenge, but one that Taylor has mastered. Read the full blog to learn 5 rules for leadership that business leaders can learn from Taylor Swift.

Why a Feedback-Driven Culture is Absolutely Critical for Growth
One of the things I’m most proud about of my team is that we have built a real culture of feedback. Several of our clients this past year have noticed it, too. While it can be hard to both give and receive feedback, it is by far the most impactful strategy I have seen to inspire growth.

How to Reclaim Valuable Time in 2024
When I work with a new client experiencing leadership shock, there are a few “tricks” that I use to help them get on top of their workload in the short-term.

What’s Behind a CEO’s Overbooked Calendar? It Might Be Leadership Shock
Over the course of my career as an executive coach, I have come to recognize an over-full calendar as a classic symptom of a very particular leadership problem. There are usually some other symptoms that go along with the calendar issue. It often becomes clear that the leader is not engaging well with the team.

Do you have Leadership Shock?
Take the Leadership Shock quiz to discover whether and to what extent you are experiencing leadership shock.